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Professional Development


At Hisar School, we are fully aware of how important it is to invest into the academic development of our teachers and staff, we offer a variety of opportunities to them for professional development throughout the year.

Hisar PEG Süreci

Columbia University CPET Teachers' Academy


The Center for the Professional Education of Teachers (CPET) is an organization of Teachers College, Columbia University, that is devoted to advancing global capacities in teacher education, research and whole school reform. CPET has been a leader in providing professional development services to schools in New York City and beyond.


Please click to get more information about the partnership between Hisar School and Columbia University.

State University of New York Master Program


The Interdisciplinary Studies Master’s Program is designed to cater to the needs of educators with out of the ordinary professional ambitions.
23 of our teachers have already received their degrees from this program since 2015. The program will continue with new students into the future.


MEF University Learning Sciences Master Program

This program was initiated in 2019-20 based on the protocol signed between Hisar School and MEF University. The program does not require a thesis for graduation. Currently, 18 of our teachers are enrolled in this program and they are expected to graduate in the Fall of 2020-2021.

Phillips Exeter Academy ÖÄŸretmen EÄŸitim Programları


ABD’nin New Hampshire eyaletinde yer alan ve yıl içinde orta öÄŸretim hizmeti veren bu prestijli kurum, yaz aylarında deÄŸiÅŸik disiplinlerden öÄŸretmenlere yönelik eÄŸitim programları yürütmektedir. 2019 yaz aylarında ilk küçük grup öÄŸretmenimiz Biyoloji alanındaki eÄŸitime katılmışlardır. Amacımız, her yaz 2-3 öÄŸretmenimizin söz konusu kurumda kendi alanlarında eÄŸitim almalarını saÄŸlamaktır.


Phillips Exeter Academy Training Programs

This prestigious school which caters to grades 9-12 during the year, offers training programs for teachers from around the World during the summer. A small group of teachers from Hisar School attended the program for Biology teachers, during the summer of 2019. We hope to provide the same opportunity to 2-3 of our teachers every summer, in the future.


Hisar School In-house Edtech Trainings

This program is geared towards helping Hisar School teachers and staff keep up-to-date with the educational technologies used at Hisar and elsewhere.


Principals Training Center (PTC) Programs

Principals Training Center offers professional development programs to help principals and other administrators develop themselves both in the area of administration as well as academia towards best practices around the world. Our high school and primary school principals have already completed the PTC program. Our pre-school and middle school principals are in the process of completing their training towards the same certificate.


Harvard Graduate School “Leading Learning” Certificate Program

Our high school and primary school principals are currently enrolled in this online program which covers leadership topics in education in theory and in practice.


BoÄŸaziçi University Mini Master Program

This is a certificate program geared towards developing teaching skills of teachers and help them implement their newly acquired skills in the classroom. The Turkish name of this program translates into English as “The Academy of Teachers who Make a Difference.” At the end of 2017-18, the first cohort of teachers (29) completed this program.


BoÄŸaziçi University English and Turkish Language Training Programs

In order to cultivate the bi-lingual school climate, Hisar School offers language training programs on campus with the cooperation of BoÄŸaziçi University. Courses are offered both in English and in Turkish.


BoÄŸaziçi University English and Turkish Language Trainer Programs

In order to make this approach a part of Hisar’s academic life, training programs are offered by well known experts and follow-up mentoring support is provided to teachers who take such training programs. Please click here to take a look at how the Professional Development Process at Hisar School works.


Columbia CPET Teachers' Academy Program


To meet Hisar School’s goals of assessing school curriculum, exploring options to improve school curriculum design, and focusing on highly effective teaching practices and strategic instruction toward the mission of students “discovering and developing [their] true potential through critical thinking, effective collaboration and meaningful contributions as world citizens,” CPET* has developed a 2-year coaching overview to address the recommendations from the whole school review and comprehensive report. These options will be specially designed to meet the goals of this project and are flexible as we begin the project and want to offer even more customization.

The two-year proposal includes 5 seasonal visits where two CPET coaches will provide in-depth professional learning experiences on the focus topic of the school year, conduct classroom visits, and meet with school administrators and teacher leaders to support action planning for full implementation of the learning in the coaches’ absence.


With two coaches, we will be able to support K-12 teachers in large group PD sessions, and provide direct, focused professional development with Middle School and High School teachers and administrators.

*CPET: The Center for the Professional Education of Teachers (CPET) is an organization of Teachers College, Columbia University, that is devoted to advancing global capacities in teacher education, research and whole school reform. CPET has been a leader in providing professional development services to schools in New York City and beyond.



Columbia CPET Teachers' Academy Program


To meet Hisar School’s goals of assessing school curriculum, exploring options to improve school curriculum design, and focusing on highly effective teaching practices and strategic instruction toward the mission of students “discovering and developing [their] true potential through critical thinking, effective collaboration and meaningful contributions as world citizens,” CPET* has developed a 2-year coaching overview to address the recommendations from the whole school review and comprehensive report. These options will be specially designed to meet the goals of this project and are flexible as we begin the project and want to offer even more customization.

The two-year proposal includes 5 seasonal visits where two CPET coaches will provide in-depth professional learning experiences on the focus topic of the school year, conduct classroom visits, and meet with school administrators and teacher leaders to support action planning for full implementation of the learning in the coaches’ absence.


With two coaches, we will be able to support K-12 teachers in large group PD sessions, and provide direct, focused professional development with Middle School and High School teachers and administrators.

*CPET: The Center for the Professional Education of Teachers (CPET) is an organization of Teachers College, Columbia University, that is devoted to advancing global capacities in teacher education, research and whole school reform. CPET has been a leader in providing professional development services to schools in New York City and beyond.




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